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Be Bold. Be YOU.
Boasting over 15,000 square feet of studio and production space, we are sure that you will find the session that reflects you. Only Now and Forever Studios offers a year-round studio that permits private photo shoots at the beautiful Vasona Lake Park. Discover more sessions below and book with us today.
Important Update: Effective April 1, 2024, all photography sessions at Now and Forever Studios require pre-payment. We’re streamlining the appointment and photo process for your convenience. For assistance, call (408) 354-8660 during business hours.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
*Restrictions apply. Additional session costs may apply
* A Yearbook Only Session is available at no charge. Ordering & online previews are not available for this session. Please call our studio to book this session directly.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER MY SESSION?After your session you will be emailed a private gallery code within 10 business days. You will be able to view all your session previews, portrait packages and specialty products.
CAN I RESCHEDULE MY APPOINTMENT?You can reschedule online at least 24 hours in advance. If you're booked for a Senior Experience, Environmental Session, Barnyard Session or Two wheels-Four wheels we require cancellations made a day before. *Cancellations made on the same day are subject to a $25 fee.*
WHAT IF I DON'T LIKE MY PICTURES?We want your senior portraits to be the best! Retakes are available with normal session fees. If you are retaking your yearbook portrait for your schools yearbook, this must be done before your yearbook deadline!
DO I NEED AN APPOINTMENT TO TAKE MY PORTRAITS?Yes, we are appointment based. To book an appointment either go online or call our studio.
WHO CHOOSES MY YEARBOOK PICTURE?You are your best critic, so the choice is yours! You may choose and change your yearbook pose online! Make sure this is all done BEFORE your session deadline set by the school
WHAT SHOULD I BRING TO MY SESSION?Bring payment for your session and the required clothing below. These items will NOT be provided in order to limit person to person contact. Drape: Bring a spaghetti strap or strapless top and have your hair and makeup done before you arrive. There will be a short period of time you are able to touch up before your session begins. Tux: Bring a plain white t-shirt. Please refrain from using shiny hair gel. For additional session options please bring your own clothes and any jewelry you wish to wear.
WILL MY HANDS BE SHOWN IN THE CAP AND GOWN PICTURES?Yes, please arrive with your nails groomed or polished. No retouching is available for chipped nail polish.
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR FOR A CAP AND GOWN CASUAL SESSION?Ladies it is important that you wear attire that cannot be seen from the knees down. Skinny jeans should be avoided as they cannot be rolled up above the knee. If possible, bring a pair of shorts!
WHERE DO I GO FOR MY SENIOR PORTRAITS?Senior portraits are taken at our studio NOT your school. Please arrive 10 minutes early to complete the required check in prior to your session. Please note- Book your session with enough time, we can not control whether the session will take longer or not.
WHAT IF I BOOKED FOR A LARGER SESSION BUT WANT TO DOWNSIZE?If you are booked for a longer session and wish to downsize your session we require these changes to be made 24 hours in advance. Please call us to make the necessary changes.
WHAT IF I DON'T LIKE THE REQUIRED YEARBOOK ATTIRE?Your school sets the guidelines for your yearbook attire. If you wish to be in your school's yearbook you MUST be photographed in the required attire.
DO YOU OFFER OFF- SITE SESSIONS?Yes! Please call our studio for more information
YOUR SESSIONS INCLUDE THE CAP AND GOWN TRADITIONAL, DO I HAVE TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED IN THAT ATTIRE?"No. However each session comes standard with the yearbook attire and cap and gown. If you wish to not be photographed in the cap and gown there are no discounts or attire changes.
CAN I BOOK A FAMILY PORTRAITS SESSION DURING THE SAME TIME AS MY SENIOR'S SESSION?Unfortunately not. If you wish to book a Family session with us please call our studio and we will be more than happy to assist you! <h5 class="font_5"> </h5>
DO YOU RETOUCH BRACES?We do not retouch braces as it appears to look unnatural. If your braces are being removed before your school's deadline we recommend waiting. If they are not being removed before your deadline you can be photographed for the yearbook and schedule another session later for personal use.
WHAT IF I DO NOT WANT TO ORDER ANY PICTURES AND ONLY TAKE MY YEARBOOK PORTRAIT?If you wish to not order any portraits or take any additional sessions you can opt for a Yearbook Only Session. This is a free session in which only 3-4 pictures will be taken. You will choose your yearbook portrait that day and we will submit it to your school for you. Please know, no images will be available for you to view or buy. If you wish to purchase any portraits you would either schedule a regular session or you can opt to pay the session fee later.
WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS FOR A FAMILY PORTRAIT SESSION?We offer 3 different options for a Family portrait session. We have in studio photographed on a white wall, outdoors at Vasona Lake Park or off-site location options available. Please call our studio for more information on pricing and availability.
DO YOU OFFER HEADSHOTS?Yes we do. Please call our studio for more information! We offer off-site as well. Additional costs apply.
ARE MY PICTURES RETOUCHED?Your proofs you receive are not retouched. Basic retouching will be done upon ordering and for your yearbook picture. Basic retouching is: fly-away hairs, color correction, cropping, and skin blemishes. Any special retouching is at an additional cost. Please call for more information.
DO I GET TO CHOOSE HOW I VIEW MY PROOFS?No, all proofs are available online after your session. You will be emailed a private code 10 business days after your session
WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO BOOK FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL SESSION?If you are booking an environmental session over the summer we recommend booking in the morning. This refrains from shiny faces from makeup or reflection on your face.
WHEN DO WE GET TO SEE PACKAGE PRICING?You will receive this information within 10 business days after your appointment.
CAN I GET A DIGITAL COPY OF MY IMAGE(S)?Yes you can. This is available in any of our Premier Portrait Packages or as an option in the Digital Packages.
WHEN ORDERING ANNOUNCEMENTS CAN I PROVIDE MY OWN IMAGES AS WELL?No, unfortunately personal images cannot be placed on graduation announcements provided by Now & Forever Studios.
CAN I JUST BUY ALA CARTE?Yes! Please refer to page #17 for individual portrait pricing.
WHAT IS AN EXTRA POSE?An extra pose is any additional poses you wish to add to your package. Each package comes standard with their maximum poses you are allowed to use. If you wish to add another pose outside of what is included there is a $15/pose fee that will need to be applied.
HOW CAN I ORDER MY PORTRAITS?You can order either online using your private gallery link or by visiting our studio for one-on-one help. Please call ahead for studio order placement to make sure we have enough time to dedicate for your order.
WHAT WOULD BE CONSIDERED SPECIAL RETOUCHING?Special retouching includes scar removal, shiny faces, teeth whitening, glass glare, dirty feet, clothing/background adjustments, hair gaps or hair gel removal. Please refer to your portfolio book on page #24 for more details.
WHEN SHOULD I PLACE MY ORDER?If you would like to have portraits before graduation you must allow 6 week processing time. If you are ordering announcements; the general rule of thumb is 6 weeks processing time + 2 weeks to label and mail + 4 weeks (minimum) advance notice to your friends and family = 12 weeks! Save the stress and order early! *We do offer a rush service for our customers who need their portrait packages prior to the normal processing time. Additional costs apply. Please contact us for details.
CAN I EXCHANGE UNITS IN MY PACKAGE FOR OTHER UNITS OF MY CHOICE?Unfortunately not. All of our pre-existing unit packages are as is. If you want certain units we offer 5 packages that allow you to build your own package.
WHEN DO YOU START PROCESSING ORDERS?Orders will not be processed until at least 50% of your order total is paid. If you paid for shipping and have a balance due, orders will not be shipped until the full balance is paid. **We do not ship to PO Boxes
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